viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018

Information from our institution: ツ

 School zone: BG-054

 Location: Calzada de los Arcos s / n Naucalpan centro, 53000 
Was ignagurada in 2013, is 483 m2 of construction, spending approximately 23 million pesos, has 6 classrooms, two sanitary modules, supervicion, direction, an orientation room and teachers, as well as a small patio, a stationery and finally a cooperative, the supervisor is Simon Mondragon, the school secretary Jair Linares Flores and the director Oscar Valencuela Gonzalez.

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EXAMPLE; ツ You didn’t work very hard last week. (Tú no trabajaste muy duro la semana pasada) She didn’t live in Japan last year. (Ella...